Art Marketing and Art Business Tips Interview with Audra King

2 years ago

Art Marketing and Art Business Tips Interview with Audra King

Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie have a very special guest with them, Audra King from She Loves Her Biz to chat with us about how to find the fun in your creative business again!!
If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to  email us at
Key talking points: 

Don't follow the 'shoulds'.  And what are some ways to focus on what's important to you and not the 'shoulds'.
Omit the noise: perhaps take a break from Instagram or other social media.

To find the fun: the first thing to consider is what you want and then balance your schedule around that.
For Finding the fun in Marketing Audra recommends Brit Kolo's resource called "Marketing for your Personality Type".  
Julie hates Networking who is an INTJ.  So it is great to find things that DON'T work and then work towards what would work based on her personality. 
Stephanie is an ENTJ - does a weekly artisan market show where she paints and talks about the paintings and pets.  And while she's there collects email addresses to continue the relationship. 
She doesn't have joy in Instagram but does in Facebook.

Rachel enjoys Facebook Group because of the interactions and Google Ads where there are no interactions.
For the negative comments, be above and beyond by providing the information or a link to the answer that was previously provided. 
How to make sales fun? 
The key question is: Does the energy you are putting in equal the compensation you receive? 

Learn more about Audra here:
Website: She Loves Her Biz
Instagram: She Loves Her Biz
Facebook: She Loves Her Biz
Email us at 
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Resources Mentioned
Follow the Fun Workshops
She Loves Her Biz Blueprint - design a creative business strategy
Brit Kolo has a resource called "Marketing for your Personality Type"
Our Websites and Shops
Got a Listener Question? 
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