That voice in the back of your mind.. is there for a reason.

2 years ago

If not… why would we all be here… it’s because SOMETHING IS WRONG!! We aren’t all completely insane. My “voice”, started as a fight or flight sensation, overwhelming all other senses, to the point that I felt like I was legit crazy. It has since transformed into a few other “feelings/urges”… a big red alarm with the forced medical rape… because RAPE is not ok, and to say that forced fluids, into your body. That you DO NOT want, nor consent to having. Is rape. Change my mind.
More recently, for the past few months to maybe a year at this point. Idk anymore. The feeling is the overwhelming urge to protect, warn, and fight back, against whatever all of “this shit” is…. But not knowing where to focus this anxious energy that fills my soul every day.
And since I am not able to go out and actively “fight back”, however possible.
I instead impulsively, and probably unhealthily, watch everything, by everyone, everyday.
And try to take smaller clips to share with all of you. So that maybe, it might help someone. Somewhere. At some point in time.
I wish I could do more.
And most days, I wish this voice would leave me alone. Because this version of who I’ve become over this last 3 years….
I don’t like.
I don’t want to be anxious, worried, angry, afraid.
To feel threatened for what I believe is the basics of right and wrong, good and bad.

I just want to go back to being the person that once was. But I don’t think any of us, can ever go back.
Once you see “it”… you can never undo it. And “it” appears to in every aspect of our lives.
If we don’t say it out loud, other people will be too afraid to say it… when the voice of wtf finds them someday. They have to know, they’re not alone. There are millions of us. And we also see “it”.
Link to original video below ⬇️

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