Zuni Elder, Native Prophecies Unfolding Before Our Eyes, Greg Yawakia, Red Tail Hawk Tribal Alliance

2 years ago

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Limited #'s Epic Event Coming up May 14th and 15th in Ruidoso, New Mexico http://www.viewstub.com/Squatter-Man-2022-Plasma-Petroglyphs-Tour
The Ultimate Plasma Petroglyph Tour and Conference! We will be on scene looking at petroglyphs that are on and off the main path and describing their significance with the Electric Unverses Theory. Petroglyph tours on May 14th followed by a conference on May 15th. This is the first of it's kind event dedicated to plasma petroglyphs. The experience will be once in a lifetime! Join Us http://www.viewstub.com/Squatter-Man-2022-Plasma-Petroglyphs-Tour

Live Podcasts Daily on the Website http://www.leakproject.com/live-stream

Red Tail Hawk Tribal Alliance FB

Red Tail Hawk Tarot YouTube

Order Your Copy Today of Reset Zero. https://resetzeroverse.com Immerse Yourself in the ResetZeroVerse. Reset Zero is a graphic novel now available for Digital Awesomeness, Physical Hard Cover Copies Available Soon. The Leading Edge of Conspiracy Fringe, Entertainment, Truth in Humor, Over 250 Pages of Amazing Artwork from Shally Brady. A story about Spacetime Jumpers in love, robot revolution, abuse and oppression, time-slips, back to the Ancients, Space Nazis and their secret ops around the world including Antarctica and the inner earth. Uncover the secrets of the past and the keys to the future with Reset Zero!

The Tarot of Ra contains 80 of the most powerful energetic art inspired by the Gods around the world.

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