What Are Keywords, Search Terms & Negatives Keywords in Google Ads

1 year ago

Created this what may seem basic video to eliminate confusion and explain how these work within Google Ads.

Keywords - You are targeting your services/products that you want ads to serve for.

Match Types - Broaden or limit the variety or search terms and how closely related they are to your keyword that you inputed. (lots of money can be burned if this is done incorrectly)

Search Terms - Are inputed by users using the search engine and if you are targeting them can cause your ad to show in the search results. (you can add good search terms into ad groups so they become keywords you target)

Negative Keywords - Blocking words so keywords don’t show for certain search terms that contain negative keywords. (you can save money but also limit yourself from showing for searches that might lead to conversions.)

More explanation on match types from Google Ads:

Most recently asked by user at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PPC/comments/y1y4fy/keywords_vs_search_terms/

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