Is the " Uigher / Uygher Muslim concentration camps in China" story even true?

1 year ago

After stumbling across a video where Clayton Morris mentions about how he's done videos debunking the Uigher concentration camps in China, I decided to look into the voracity of these claims against China, especially since Douglas MacGregor has offered his opinion of China's readyness to invade Taiwan.

Here's the links:
The BBC story about leaked information in regards to the Uigher concentration camps:

Clayton mentions having done videos of the Uigher concentration camps at the 14 minute mark:

Douglas MacGregor's opinion of China's current status and how they don't have an immediate plan to invade Taiwan:

Vanessa Beeley goes into the research she's done about the truth behind the Uigher concentration camp narrative and an organization called the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation:

Behind the Headlines on YouTube goes into Uigher exile Rushan Abbas and her being employed extensively by the US government. Also, the US government has been pouring billions into the National Endowment for Democracy, a group that has been pushing the Uigher narrative:

The GrayZone's Max Blumenthal's own report on the Uigher narrative:

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