Chapter 3 Church, Church, and Church

1 year ago

So far we have looked at only a fraction of the history that so many Christians are unaware of. There is so much about this issue that could be said. Does it bother anyone (considering the resources of information, concerning history and the original writings of Scripture we have available at our very fingertips) that we are still to this day using a term (i.e. church) not actually found in Scripture; a term that has been "translated" from a Greek word that is not even used once in all of Scripture?

I can hear some die-hard detractors saying: "Does all of this really matter?"

They will say, "that was then and this is now."

"You can’t expect the church to be perfect with imperfect people." "Why do you hate the people in the institutional church?”
"Your' re making a mountain out of a mole hill."

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