Beyond The Pink Door – Think Pink Sewscription Box No. 10 | Unboxing | Aussie Sewing Vlog | #18

2 years ago

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!

Yay, it's Think Pink Sewscription Box #10 day!!

I received the delivery notification while at work, and you can bet I was in that car and out the carpark as soon as the clock struck 'Home o' clock!

What I’m wearing:
Pattern Emporium – Keep it simple babe T-shirt -

Sewscription box
Beyond The Pink Door Sewscription boxes -

YouTube - Beyond the Pink Door -

Artisan maker – Lorraine Fletcher Art Studio-

Title artwork thanks to: Jillian Kate Packer @mylittlewilderbeast
Local South Australian, Artist Illustrator Printmaker, I highly recommend checking out her work

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