Halbrand is Galadriel's FORBIDDEN love? The Rings of Power creates another new character.

2 years ago

We've already got new hobbits, new dwarves, and apparently a wizard too in the 2nd age? So who really cares about another new human character?!

We do! :). Jonathan, Dan, and Michael share their thoughts on Halbrand, a fugitive running from his past... Will he fall in love with Galadriel? Will she save him on the stormy seas? Will he continue to audit feminist dance theory with his beat-up guitar?

📕 Pre-order the Fall of Númenor! ► https://amzn.to/3NOtInJ

Vanity Fair ► https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/02/amazon-the-rings-of-power-series-first-look

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00:00 Introduction
00:10 A look at Halbrand
01:25 Another white male :(
01:55 He left his joints in his car...
02:35 Halbro!
02:55 In love with Galadriel?
03:45 Too much time spent inventing characters
04:45 Proud to do "Their Own Thing"
06:16 The Novel Tolkien Never Wrote
06:45 No Subcreation
07:46 More Silmarillion Readers
08:42 This is Hubris
09:05 Your Thoughts?

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