🧾 A complete guide to creating fillable forms in SharePoint Online 🧾

2 years ago

In today's guide, we will be covering how to create fillable forms in Sharepoint. A fillable form is a window that users can insert any information they like, for example, names, addresses, and phone numbers.

➡️ To start, open Sharepoint from Office 365. Go to the desired site and click "Edit". Hover the cursor around the spot you want the form and click the "+" symbol. Click on "Microsoft Forms". Click on "New Form", give it a name then click "Create". Now click on where it says "Add new". Now you can add and edit and desired elements here. Once finished, close that page and refresh the site. Now the form should be on your site.

That's all for today's guide. I'm glad we could help you today and if you have any feedback or comments for us, please leave them in the comments section below. We'd really appreciate it!


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