Ukraine: The fruits - UK Column News - 23rd November 2022

2 years ago

- CNN: Boris Johnson claims France was "in denial" before Russia's invasion of Ukraine
- Clip: Johnson (purposely?) lets slip that Continental Europe had to be poked by Britain and America into the stop-Russia policy
- Footage of Rishi Sunak being welcomed by Zelensky in Kiev—Brian Gerrish spots Chief of the British Defence Staff, Admiral Tony Radakin in the receiving line
- BBC (26 February)—Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky: The comedian president who is rising to the moment
- Clip: Throwback to BBC’s "dripping enthusiasm" in promotional piece covering Zelensky's first war statement
- Brian Gerrish takes stock of what the BBC's favourite puppet president has achieved (using Ukrainian and mainstream international sources):
• At least 7 million Ukrainians have abandoned the country
• At least 5 million remaining Ukrainians are unemployed
• At least 50% of the Ukrainian electrical distribution system is destroyed
• 37–50% of the Ukrainian economy is destroyed
• At least $252 billion damage to Ukrainian infrastructure
• Circa 20% of Ukraine under Russian control
• At least 100,000 Ukrainian military deaths (implying around 600,000 injured)
• Failure to secure sufficient Western military supplies
• EU membership not achieved
• NATO membership not achieved
• Ukraine now controlled by Western "soft loans" to keep public finances afloat
• Ukrainian urban populations evacuating to find shelter, heat and food
And all the UK Ministry of Defence can do is issue lighters to those destined to die (see 21 November UK Column News episode)


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