Learn from Reading Audit Reports (Sturdy Report)

1 year ago

Walkthrough of the Sturdy audit report from Code4rena. Learn to find more bugs by reading past audit reports.

Links to similar findings

Smart Contract Auditing - Beginner Roadmap

0:00 - [Intro]
5:22 - [H-01 Hard-coded slippage may freeze user funds during market turbulence]
8:21 - [H-02 The check for value transfer success is made after the return statement in _withdrawFromYieldPool of LidoVault]
8:49 - [M-01 Possible lost msg.value]
10:38 - [M-02 UNISWAP_FEE is hardcoded which will lead to significant losses compared to optimal routing]
13:40 - [M-03 processYield() and distributeYield() may run out of gas and revert due to long list of extra rewards/yields]
15:01 - [M-04 ConvexCurveLPVault’s _transferYield can become stuck with zero reward transfer]
16:22 - [M-05 Withdrawing ETH collateral with max uint256 amount value reverts transaction]
17:01 - [M-06 Yield can be unfairly divided because of MEV/Just-in-time stablecoin deposits]

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