Marking your leather for cutting, stiching, and creasing

2 years ago

In this how-to video I show you easy ways in which you can mark your leather ready to start your leathercraft project.
I will be using some traditional saddlery tools including a screw crease, round awl, dividers, and a bone folder. As well as some other modern tools for marking corners and measuring.
I also cover how to get that 90-degree cut in various ways. Some of which are easier than you think.
If you are just starting in your leathercraft, then this video is just for you. You will learn how to place marks enabling you to cut your leather, how to measure accurately, how to draw a line ready for stitch marking, and how to use that all important screw crease for that lovely edge line that you see on quality handmade leather goods.
Tools covered are;
Bone folder,
Round awl,
Screw crease
Stop ruler,
Set square,
Engineer's square,
Dividers, and
Single crease.

At the end of the video is a bonus tip for when you are just starting in leathercraft and you do not have all of the tools available.

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