Why is Elizabeth Warren Trying to Take Down Pregnancy Centers

1 year ago

It doesn’t matter where you stand on abortion. Pregnancy centers located across the nation are performing an incredible service to pregnant women in need. These centers, which I’m very familiar with, aren’t on the political side of the issue. They are simply there to provide care, compassion, kindness and resources.

So when I saw that Senator Elizabeth Warren was among a group of Democrats sponsoring a bill to target pregnancy centers, I was beyond annoyed. The Stop Anti-Abortion Disinformation Act aims to “crack down” on so-called disinformation at the centers by “authorizing the FTC to enforce these rules and collect penalties from organizations in violation.”

At a time when more women than ever before may need resources from these centers, it’s unbelievable these politicians would try to destroy them. Walk into any pregnancy center and you will usually find the kindest people you’ve met — many of them volunteers — and a stock room jammed from floor to ceiling with everything from newborn diapers to pajamas for toddlers.

Beyond physical needs, pregnancy centers have a myriad of resources to help guide women to financial help, grants, programs and churches that can assist them through difficult times. They offer free ultrasounds, clothing, formula and so much more.

I realize that Senator Warren and her friends are upset that Roe v. Wade was overturned and that’s fine. But to go out there and try to tear down the organizations that are simply helping women to the best of their ability (something those on her side are not doing in this specific way) reveals that this is all politics to her. And that’s truly disgusting.

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