Food Tastes Funny Sense of Smell off Food Rotten Allergy They’ve poisoned the “Food” in USA Get Out

2 years ago

Start eating the food you stored up. Any and all new food has been tampered with. They removed the Georgia Guide Stones for a reason. The food poisoning as been accelerated for 2030. If you can get out of America, leave. People are reporting gas, allergies, IBS, GERD, vertigo, diarrhea and other symptoms of food poisoning here in America. The food tastes and smells different. These fake foods like eggs, lettuce and rice are being created in China.

Don’t be distracted by the fake wars and rumors of wars Matthew 246. Don’t be distracted by the false flag events. The human experiment is wrapping up and they’re preparing for the Reset.

Sell everything and move if you can. If not, start eating your preps. Stay out of restaurants and grocery stores.

If you can afford to purchase air purifiers for your home do so.

Activated Charcoal capsules 1-2 per day
Slippery Elm capsules 1-3 per day
Enzymes (papaya, serrapeptase)
Multi Vitamin

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