Vladimir Zelensky Explanations November 28, 2022 (Subtitle)

1 year ago

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🤍 The purpose of the videos; To show that WAR is a terrible phenomenon.

📒 Frontline. Provision of the army. Energy sector. Communication. Points of Invincibility. Strengthening our air defense. Working with partners. The situation in the frontline areas and suppression of Russian firing positions. We keep all key issues in the focus of the Staff’s attention.

That day, as every other day, the occupiers again shelled Kherson and the communities of the region. In just one week, the enemy fired 258 times on 30 settlements of our Kherson region.
The Russian army also damaged the pumping station that supplied water to Mykolaiv.
Well, what can be said about them? This is the real essence of those random "comrades" who took over Russia. After 20 years of rule, a large part of their own state is in such devastation, as if a war had taken place there. And this is not a war - it’s just because they have come.
They are capable of nothing but devastation. This is all they leave behind. And what they are doing now against Ukraine is their attempt to take revenge. To take revenge for the fact that Ukrainians have repeatedly defended themselves from them.

Ukraine will never be a place for devastation. Ukraine will never accept orders from these "comrades" from Moscow. We will do everything to restore every object, every house, every enterprise destroyed by the occupiers.

⛔️ NOTE; If you detect wrong information or negative content about the content, it is appropriate to report it or write it as a comment, thank you for your interest.
Communication; mfsa_33_@hotmail.com

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