Over 20000 truckers would have been put on leave or was it about reputation Emergency act aftermath

2 years ago

Over 20000 truckers would have been put on leave or was it about reputation Emergency act aftermath. Freeland was worried about economic repercussions of the protests, and reputation of Canada, meanwhile this panel indicates that with the mandates for cross border trucking, there would have been a huge loss of truckers because of the mandates. Absolutely no co operation with some of these witnesses. The chair needs to ask one witness to comply with the committee, in this emergency act aftermath question period.

Check me out on: Rumble


#mandates #truckersconvoy #trudeau #emergencyact #travelrestrictions #arriveCAN #chrystiafreeland #aircanada #canadaborder #nafta #ottawa #freedom #freedomfighter #freedomconvoy

Please watch: "TOW TRUCKS WOULDN’T COME! officers couldn't clear the blockade before invoking the emergencies act."

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