10 Reasons Why I'm Excited For WoW Classic

6 years ago

Ever since the WoW Classic demo I haven't been able to stop thinking about the Vanilla WoW experience and why a 14 year old version of the game seems so much more interesting to me than the recent expansion for current WoW, Battle For Azeroth especially due to the fact I never played Vanilla when it was current so it's certainly not a case of nostalgia, I decided to make this video to try and make sense of what exactly I'm excited for with WoW Classic and try to show that there's many things Vanilla WoW actually does better than current mostly from an RPG and Immersion perspective.

For what reasons are you excited for Classic WoW and do you think there are genuinely some things Vanilla was better at than Battle For Azeroth? let me know in the comments below!

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---World Of Warcraft Vanilla/Classic Description---

World Of Warcraft Classic is a 2019 legacy server for the Vanilla experience of WoW, In this version of the game the level cap is 60, there's 8 playable races, forsaken, orc, tauren and troll for horde, and dwarf, gnome, human and night elf for the alliance.
WoW classic is a much slower and more punishing experience than current world of warcraft with many conveniences players are used to today not being in the game, you need to read quests, you'll need to group with players more often, you don't get access to your first mount until level 40, making gold is much harder and your character is generally a lot weaker when fighting mobs than current wow with mana being a big problem for most caster classes.
The reason a lot of players are looking forward to Vanilla WoW is that it felt a lot more like an RPG, and with progression being much harder it made your accomplishments feel more impactful, It may be slower and have less detailed graphics but the overall pace and game design makes Vanilla WoW feel like a more immersive experience for many players.

---Text Spoilers---
1: Larger part of the world fells relevent
2: More RPG like questing
3: Needing to actually group up and socialize
4: Back to being a humble adventurer
5: No flying mounts and better World PVP
6: Having long term goals
7: Upgrades feeling more rewarding and epics being epic
8: Class flavor + class quests
9: Professions being important
10: It will be my first time playing vanilla properly

World Of Warcraft, Classic, 10 Reasons, Vanilla, WoW, MMORPG, MMO, Open World, Legacy, Old School, Remake, Horde, Alliance, Crafting, Professions, Questing, Dungeons, Raiding, World PVP, Battlegrounds, Progression, Punishing, Gear, Grind, Attunements, Class questlines, humble adventurer, RPG, grouping up, epic loot, long term goals, class flavor

If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion, top 10, let's play or first impressions then please comment or tweet me via the links above.
---Legal footnotes---

This video is Fair Use under U.S. copyright law because it is transformative in nature, uses no more of the original than necessary and have no negative effect on the market of the original work.
10 Reasons Why I'm Excited For WoW Classic

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