The Ouija Board: Is It Just a Toy? The Untold Masonic History & Crowley's Warning

2 years ago

This message goes over the history of the Ouija board that is not really talked about.
A lot of interesting information is covered including:

- The involvement of Freemasons in the creation of the Ouija board
- The Gnostic connection to the Ouija board including the connection to Gnostic god Abraxas
- Joseph Smith's mother accidently spilled the beans about her knowledge of a secret Masonic teaching
- The truth behind the Exorcist movie and it's role in the cultural view of the Ouija board
- How the Ouija board has been used to help dictate many books
- The Ouija board's connection to acts of brutal violence
- Aleister Crowley and his disciple's explanation and warning about the Ouija board
- The connection of the Ouija board to Enochian magick
- An explanation and solution for cursed objects

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