Jesus in the Old Testament - A Study in Typology

2 years ago

First Easter Sunday Sermon ever preached, occurred on the Road to Emmaus. This story is the videos intended purpose. To see if we can see Christ in the Old Testament beginning with Moses' Torah [collection of 1st five books of the Bible], and continuing with the prophets.

Luke 24: 26-28 (KJV), 26 "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? 27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself."

We hope that after watching this video, you'll be able to see, at a very minimum, the Old Testament revealed in the New Testament through the person of Jesus Christ.

Thanks to our brother, Daniel John for taking us through this journey, exposing for us Christ's possible narrative with His two disciples using typology -- the hologram technology of their day.

As always, you decide.

Credits: Daniel John YouTube Channel >


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