Dealing with difficult clients and customers

2 years ago

What do you do when you’re dealing with customers who give the common excuse I need to talk to my wife or my husband often times people just say this as a tactic because they’re not certain of the business offer you’re making them. For example you offer a customer a job for $200 and the gentleman says I need to ask my wife but you been talking to this guy for a week and you’ve never heard about the wife all of a sudden he needs to talk to his wife one of the things you can say to him is what about this deal do you think your wife does not like often time he’ll then tell you oh I know my wife doesn’t like this or that just know he’s probably about him himself and then you could address the times people are the the this the and tactic my wife ever person is to that to do to what spouse wife boyfriend whoever not like find out with the root causes and if you can fix it or lower the price or do something to make it better your often get the deal I know I’ve done this over the years and many times it has proven successful that’s just a small tactic you can use in your small business

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