Can creating several sources of passive income lead to early retirement

1 year ago

Good question!

The short answer is yes. But creating passive income is more work than borrowing and buying passive income. It is faster and easier to just buy an existing passive income stream instead of trying to create one from scratch.

Much better to either get more education on how to buy passive income or work with someone that can help you find better deals that are not advertised on the market.

Second, I would never retire and don’t think it is a good idea for you to think that way. I want to work till I die. Retiring sounds like hell on earth, the idea of sitting around watching tv or eating at restaurants talking about the golden years and ignoring my responsibility to do something to help the next generation. Don’t ever retire!

What about all the people I have to help like friends or family or anyone that needs help. Would it not be better to be machine gunned to death instead of dying sitting at a bingo table hearing other old people yell, “bingo!”.

All these people that retired should be doing something useful like trying to help advance science. With enough money the problem of human aging can be cured.

When that happens, it will be one of the happiest days of my life. I plan on doing all I can in the future to help advance science to cure human aging. But to do that it means making a lot of money, starting a lot of companies, and doing all possible to help great scientists and others to develop cures and treatments for human aging.

I think retirement is very much inappropriate and many people that are retired regret it. Your work should be fun but even if it is not fun it is good to work since it keeps your body and mind strong and healthy.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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