"Just Love Yourself" Is Bullsh*t Advice.

2 years ago

In the instant gratification society that we live in, it’s not a surprise that most people in the modern day, don’t love themselves.

Because you are what you do, actions & thoughts go together like a peanut butter sandwich so if you do good habits that reflects you positively, you will naturally feel more positive as a result but if you do bad habits then you obviously feel worse about yourself.

Because Deep down you know how much potential you have, so when you waste it by doing negative habits, you naturally won’t feel good about yourself. Now sadly doing bad habits are easier to do witch is why most of the people in modern society do the pleasurable bad habits

The truth is
You will only love yourself when you feel like you deserve it & you aren’t going to feel like you deserve it if you keep doing these bad habits, so start doing the good habits like working out, journaling, meditation & your self value & respect will naturally go up witch will make you love yourself

if your new here my name is Cruz and I help you guys become the highest version of yourselves

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instagram: https://instagram.com/cruz_antwi?utm_medium=copy_link


0:00 intro

0:21 why people hate themselves

1:35 how society fixes this issue

3:07 how to actually love yourself

3:39 why it’s good if you hate yourself

3:57 use your hate as fuel to

4:54 outro

Tags:, self analysis, self reflection, self love, self appreation, self help, wellness, how to love yourself, how to actually love yourself, why you hate yourself, why you hate your life,social commentary, Cruz antwi, dragon ball, anime,

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