Leslie Davis, You Can't Eat Love!

1 year ago

Join us today as Leslie and I talk about her incredible transformation and new book, ""You Can't Eat Love: How Learning to Love Yourself Can Change Your Relationship with Food"".
About Leslie
Several years ago, I began a journey to get healthy - mentally, emotionally, and physically. Through that journey I learned a lot about myself, why I had the beliefs I had and why, just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I already had the way to get back home.
It was by doing the hard of work of doing the hard work and healing the parts of me that were wounded in childhood and later years that I was able to not only lose, but keep off almost 100lbs.

It was and still is a journey. What I share is people are not broken, there is nothing wrong with them. What I share is the big secret I discovered - I had a 'myself-sized' hole in my heart and I was filling it with my drug of choice - food.

My book ""You Can't Eat Love: How Learning to Love Yourself Can Change Your Relationship with Food"" (#1 best seller on Amazon and consistently in the top 20 in at least 2 categories since it was published in January 2021) is about the lessons I learned.

My message - 'You are enough' - applies to anyone who is struggling to love themselves. What I help people understand is we are all on a journey. And just like when you travel by car, we run into traffic jams. I help people to realize and discover how, just like on the actual road, they can stay in their car, not park it and not walk home.

I help them discover they are enough.


It's never too late to begin a new journey in your life! I help moms move forward with confidence as they overcome the hurdles of nurturing children with mental health struggles. Advocate & Coach for mamas who have a lot on their plate. If that is you, I promise it is going to be okay. Let’s connect! You can now check out my podcasts on YouTube! Please remember to rate, comment, and subscribe this helps me move up the food chain.

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