BUFOG talk Dowsing Experiment invitation PV 1.50'

1 year ago

We hope that this will start the ball rolling of interest, as it - this particular experiment, has already been done before, and we'd like to introduce the concept of this exciting experiment to begin with, with the BUFOG folks, and then if there's interest, to extend that to other areas of the country. Some colleagues from Arizona University, Psychology department also tried this same test, in October of 2021, and it worked very well.

This is your opportunity to try your hand at dowsing, which doesn't require much practice, AND you might just find yourself detecting the magnetic presence of a pre arranged meet up with a craft at a designated location and time....get a group together and we will guide you through the process.

Email: pevincent45@gmail.com with UFO dowsing EXPERIMENT in the subject line, and you can feed back your results there too, and connect with us about this and any other dowsing experiments that we roll out.

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