SSN The Political Pendulum EP 2: They Sold Out To Fight Another Day, Is History Repeating Itself?

1 year ago

11/27/22 SSN The Political Pendulum EP 2: They Sold Out To Fight Another Day, Is History Repeating Itself?

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend and We Still Have A Lot To Be Thankful For
The Political Pendulum Swings With A Hypnotic Effect
Left to Right, Right to Left, and Left to Right Again and Again until Freedom and Liberty Is Completely Eroded

Our Defense The U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
-Marbury V. Madison (1803)
**With That Said: We are coming to you from where it all began the Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts where the Shot Heard around the World was fired at the Concord Bridge and the Revolution against Tyranny that would Change The World and gave birth to new guideline on how the Human Race would allow itself to be ruled. Or not be ruled by tyrannical Kings, Queens, Dictators, Emperors, or Czars.

**Tonight I urge you all to listen closely to the History we are about to show to you, because it may sound like just past events, but it may just explain about the events we have been seeing take place for decades and what we are seeing take place today that really make no sense, when applying the events the future of Our Beloved Nation and the Free World. By the end of our segments tonight you should.
*What Did JFK Know
*What did General Patton know that was so important it had to be covered up to the point he had to be murdered?
*Why was General Eisenhower Spared?
*Most important in that clip was History Now Shows that the German SS knew the war was lost and they used their Nuclear Project as leverage to sell out to the nation that would allow their Tyrannical Philosophy to carry on and live to fight another day!
*For those of you who may not understand we will explain with a clip about “Operation Paper Clip” followed by clip with President Eisenhower’s Daughter explanation of her father’s feelings going from general to president.

*Loyal German Scientists to the U.S. from Rocket and Nuclear Science to Biological Warfare
*Why would those loyal German’s would want to work for the advancement of the U.S.A. that represented a complete opposite Philosophy of Freedom and Liberty of the individual as opposed to tyranny and complete control over their subjects?
*It was pretty much explained in our first set of clips, to live to fight another day
*Now we have to ask what kind of power and influence do the German Scientists that escaped what could have been War Crime Tribunals and what took place following WW II have today.
*Little more History should answer that question let’s hear from Eisenhower’s Daughter

*Here we have many questions
*With Eisenhower and Patton having similar knowledge about the German Nuclear Operations why was Patton murdered and Eisenhower left alive only to gain the power of the Presidency?
*That is an easy answer for WWII Historians, Patton would have had a serious problems with working with the German’s in a way that would be beneficial to the Germans and would have treated them as the conquered military.
*Patton was not shy about wanting to fight the Russians to avoid what he said about having to fight them in the future.
*Now Eisenhower on the other hand came across as a “by the book” soldier willing to take orders, but from who?
*What Eisenhower knew about “Operation Paper Clip” appears to be muddled at that time, but he was not an ignorant man by any means.
*That leaves with the question of, did Eisenhower learn of “Operation Paper Clip” only when he took the office of the President, or if he did have so knowledge to what extent of the matter?
*His own daughter presents us with what sounds like Ike had some personal issues he was dealing with
*Did he find out about Patton’s demise and why or was he involved in the decision process? Did he decide it would be best for the country?
*Whatever the case, was Eisenhower in fear of the CIA knowing about Patton’s demise and didn’t want to face the same or was he truly upset with his colleagues about “Operation Paper Clip?”
*JFK on the other hand directly challenged the power of the agencies like the CIA and FBI after the “Bay of Pigs” disaster in Cuba, and even signed an EO to stifle their power just prior to his death.
*That leads to another question when it comes to President Trump and his concerns about releasing all the information in the JFK File, claiming it would devastate the country if he did. What could he be covering up?
*Would the information tarnish Gen/President Eisenhower’s legacy, or open up the Federal Agencies to more scrutiny and lose any trust the people had in them at that time?
**The Most import questions for Our Future would be is today’s U.S. Government, high military officials, and U.S. law enforcement and security agencies completely compromised and if so by who?
**After listening to what the German SS did near the end of WW II knowing the lost the war and decided to cut a deal with the enemy could the same be happening here to We The People of the U.S.A. and The Free World?
*Last but not least is who are the U.S.A. leaders and leaders across the Free World selling us out to that they believe have defeated the spirit of Freedom and Liberty to the point they have no faith that we do not have the Will to fight for our freedoms!
*Consider what was exposed in the first set of clips the German Soldiers were still fighting on for their country and blindly taking orders while the people in charge were cutting a deal for themselves and their political philosophy.
*Many of the deal makers lived while their loyal soldiers sacrificed themselves
*Why was the Shot Heard around the World was fired at the Concord Bridge that began the Revolution against Tyranny that would Change The World and gave birth to new guideline on how the Human Race would allow itself to be ruled. Or not be ruled by tyrannical Kings, Queens, Dictators, Emperors, or Czars?
*Did Our Founders foresee this which is why these words are enshrined in the U.S. Bill of Rights, “being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
In the next segments we will dig deeper to expose the concerns We All Face to preserve freedom and Liberty For All
As The Political Pendulum Swings With A Hypnotic Effect
Left to Right, Right to Left, and Left to Right Again and Again until Freedom and Liberty Is Completely Eroded
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