Soul Maintenance - Part 1

1 year ago

Soul Maintenance ~ Part 1

By Pastor Gary Wayne

We were created by God with a body, a soul, and a spirit.
The body is easy to understand because that is what we can see and touch.
Our soul is that inward part of us where our mind, will and emotions reside.
That is where our personality comes from. Our memories and our feelings.
Our spirit is that part of that comes alive when we are born again. That part of us that interacts with God.

We understand the need to keep our bodies in health by exercise and eating right. We see the need to go to a doctor for regular physicals.

But often we don’t understand the need to make sure my soul gets a checkup.
So I would like to spend some time on the topic of soul maintenance.

Text: 3 John 1:2 God wants your “soul” to prosper, to thrive!

There are a lot of areas that affect prosperity, the health and the maintenance of my soul.
The more I interact with Jesus, the easier it is to navigate the places that cause me “soul problems.”

The more I “do it myself,” build my own armor to protect myself, the more those “soul problems” affect me and those around me.

While I believe there are certain steps to correct some of the soul damage that occurs as I go through life, I believe the more I stay in His presence, that damage is taken care of without me even knowing about it.

Ps 23:1-3 “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul…”

There are OBVIOUS ways / things to do soul maintenance.
Read our Bible. Memorize Scripture. Godly mediation. Attend Church.
Be a part of a small group bible study.

When my car starts making a “punkety, punkety” sound, what do I do?
I call “Glen’s Automotive” and have them do “car maintenance.”
THERE IS NO EMBARISIMENT involved with this – just the opposite.

When my soul starts making some “punkety, punkety” sounds, I find spiritual people who know how to do “soul maintenance.”

Sometimes the maintenance is stuff I can do myself.
Sometimes it is cheaper and better to take it to Glen’s Automotive.

In the next couple of weeks, I want to focus on ways you can work with Holy Spirit to do “soul maintenance.”

I want to strongly suggest a personal prayer / mediation App. that I have talked about recently.

“The Pause” app.
The One Minute Pause is a simple way to reconnect with God in the midst of your very busy day. Created by John Eldredge’s Team, the app allows you to set up daily popup reminders to take a break and give your worries and essentially your heart over to God.
30 Days to Resilient – twice a day for about 10 min.

Today we are going to listen to “Day 16 – Morning.

What I hope we take away from this is how “PRESENT” Jesus is with us.
He LIVES right inside me – I don’t have to call and make an appointment, but in nanoseconds I can have a private consultation with my creator.

When my soul starts making a “punkety, punkety” sound, I just visit with Him.

Jer 33:3 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'

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