Satan's Consolation Prize vs Heavenly Treasures (The Consequences & Rewards of Obedience to God)

2 years ago

Many Christians are looking for a pat on the back or a voice from heaven saying "Well done" after they do the right thing. When that doesn't happen, they get discouraged.

To make things worse, sometimes not only do they not get a pat on the back, but they suffer negative consequences after their obedience.

To top it all off, not only will they sometimes not get a pat on the back and suffer negative consequences for their obedience, but THEN they will see the wicked prospering in this world not suffering as they are.

This makes the discouragement, despair, and confusion even worse IF they don't know the word of God well enough!

This message shows how there are sometimes consequences for obeying God, what our attitude should be about it, and what our reward will be for obeying God.

The message also contrasts the reward of the wicked that they receive in this life which is: Satan's consolation prize

Link to a PDF of the notes:


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