What is so great about being a mentee of Benjamin Z Miller?

2 years ago

#InvestorQuestions #benjaminzmiller #invest #mentor

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Good question!

First, it is good you are asking questions and trying to decide about becoming a Benjamin Z Miller mentee. That is just great!

The opportunity to work with me and learn some of the techniques that I have developed that no one else in the market is using is one key reason. Of course, you also get to learn the standard techniques that other mentors commonly teach.

Another advantage is being able to join the Benjamin Z MIller network where you can meet some very wealthy and successful investors that in time can potentially become lenders or partners for your deals.

Finally, when you make a decision to change your life by becoming a Benjamin Z Miller mentee you know you are getting the training that you need, not the training that you want. When I train a mentee I look at the total mentee and I probe for weak points and then focus on those weak points instead of just ignoring their problems and teaching them what they find interesting.

It is irresponsible as a mentor to only teach a mentee what they want to learn. If you mentor someone you need to take responsibility for their success and that is exactly what Benjamin Z Miller does.

If you are ready to take the next step, your best step, then go to www.benjaminzmiller.com and fill out the contact form and let my office know you are interested in becoming a mentee of Benjamin Z Miller.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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