Ask a Grown Man : Stephen Colbert

2 years ago

“A really good sign somebody likes you is if they bring you cookies.”

Once upon a time, Stephen Colbert, the lovely and hilarious host of our favorite political talk show, The Colbert Report, graciously invited our bosstone to be on his show. During their interview, he asked Tavi if we might maybe think about considering having him do an Ask a Grown sometime. Our answer, of course, was, “Hell yes, you wonderful man!!”

Now, we’ve cashed in on that generous offer to bring you this video containing SC’s wise advice about misogynist jokes, boyfriend-based dilemmas, and how to tell if someone thinks you’re cool. And, Stephen, we’ll make that last one easy for you: WE THINK YOU’RE *EXTRAORDINARILY* COOL.

If you do too, you can follow Sir Colbert on Twitter, catch the Report on Comedy Central on Monday through Thursday nights every week, and/or just watch this here video and be like, “Hell yes, you wonderful man!!”

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