Nov 27 2022: Come Up here

1 year ago

Dr. Gary Denbow
Revelation 4:1

1. Moses: The Starting Place
• His call from God at the burning bush. (Exo. 3:3)
• Moses obeyed, and in good time. (Exo. 13:18)
• Moses’ calling on the mountain and the 10 commandments. (Exo. 19:1)
2. Paul: The Learning Place

• Paul’s time in the desert of Arabia. (Gal. 1:11-18)
• Paul defends his apostleship against those who say he is not worthy. (2 Cor. 12)
• Paul was a servant and leader, apostle, church planter, and evangelist, because he was summoned to the Lord’s presence.
3. John: The Final Place

• John is called to write of things seen (Rev. 1), things that are (Rev. 2-3), and things which will take place. (Rev 4-22)
• John’s revelation started in Patmos and continued walking with Christ through the seven churches around Ephesus.
• What he first sees is the throne of God
• He sees the glorified Christ as the Lion of Judah (Rev 5:5) and the Lamb of God (Rev. 5:6)

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