Silent War Ep. 6273: Gay Terminator Bots, Vax'd See Demons B4 "Sudden Death" Brazil To Fight Coup!

2 years ago

In this episode of The Silent War:
Gay Terminator Death Robots.

Many Vax'd people are seeing...something .. before they "suddenly" die.

Vaccine Demons? Or the Angel of Death?

Satanist with Sacrificed mother says Yeshuah is Lord? (Kanye West)

Tax Firms are Sending our Tax return information to Facebook!

Justin Trudeau busted lying under oath about vaxxed.

Disney's new $180,000,000 Gay Teen Romance rejected by world, flops badly.

Brazil's Military Stands With President: Ready to Stop the Coup

Republican "Investigations" Are more Circus distractions.

If you thought Fake News was bad, wait until you see Fake History!

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