Nasty Kinky Facts About Sex In 1950s America

2 years ago

The stereotypical perception of the 1950s involves white picket fences and domestic bliss. But what about sex in the 1950s? Sexual mores and taboos throughout history often challenge perceived ideas about a society and sometimes even come to define a lot of what we know about historic groups entirely. Think of the sexual practices of ancient Romans. Their sex practices are closely linked with some of the best known stories about their lives. Sex and history are linked, and even some of the worst moment in time have their stories to tell.
Sex and sexuality in the 1950s is no different. Marriages in the 1950s were supposed to be peachy — just look at those 1950s marriage manuals — and homosexuality in the 1950s was forbidden. But what about the reality of sex and relationships? Was it as straightforward as the 1950s would like you to believe?

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