Hamilton West By-election Choose the MP Worker to Work for You

2 years ago

Tena Koutou Katoa.
The time to come together is now!
Hamilton West deserves leadership that empowers our people.
Your vote will ensure that the electorate kills off punitive electioneering
Kia kaha tatou!
Democracy works best when your friends are in the same Waka, rowing the same way!
Our whanau, friends and families all deserve positive outcomes.
In moving through the streets and communities of Hamilton West, it has been my pleasure in
witnessing the positive movements of communities.
I look forward to being a kai-mahi that gets the work done for the Electorate.
Tutira mai nga iwi! Tatou! Tatou e!

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Authorised by Peter Wakeman
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
27 Tuawera Terrace, Clifton Hill, 8081
Phone: 022 649 6288

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