Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Debate 28 Nov - Tama Potaka (National) - Where was he on the 24th?

2 years ago

It's in the Ballot link:

Those invited to the Chamber of Commerce debate, yet all were invited to the It's in the Ballot. National's Tama Potaka put in an apology for his absence.

Dr Gaurav Sharma (NZ Momentum Party)
Georgie Dansey (Labour)
Dr James McDowall (ACT)
Naomi Pocock (TOP)
Tama Potaka (National)

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party

Hamilton West By-election Candidate Peter Wakeman for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.

Chamber of Commerce or Chamber of Restrictions?

The following email was sent to the Chamber of Commerce from the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party:
Further to our telephone conversation, please could you attach the following link to your website so any of your members or members of public can see the debate that is already taking place where ALL were invited. It's in the Ballot Hamilton West - YouTube
As a result of your Chief Executive failing to return my telephone calls despite positively engaging with me over the phone previously about attending this evening's meeting, I would request that this matter is referred to the board for the following reasons:
1. Media normally only covers Candidates that attend a public meeting.
2. Your chamber is restricting the debate which is not in the public interest.
3. We want good outcomes for this country and I don't believe your chamber is facilitating the debate by restricting the debate.
Please could you acknowledge that your Chairman and Board of Directors have this email. I would like to engage in written correspondence in this matter with them as I believe your chamber can improve outcomes for New Zealand by being more inclusive.

Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister - Too Little Too Late - YouTube

Authorised by Peter Wakeman
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
27 Tuawera Terrace, Clifton Hill, 8081
Phone: 022 649 6288

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