Should Your Ego Stay, or Go? Me, Myself, Goodbye: Psychedelics

2 years ago

Welcome to today's short but rich episode.

It's quite appropriate for the transition we are all going through at this time, relating to low vibration power gains and how we are called to step UP and into being the keeper of your land. all comes down to the Ego.

If you IMAGINE yourself as an image of a country, your Ego is the central government.

If you're privy on your history, the Central Government handles the country’s finances, military, health, education, law, and order.

Similarly, yup, your Ego has to take care of the body it inhabits to help it stay healthy.

It unconsciously helps you to decide which reaction and behavior is desirable and beneficial, and which is not. (most of the time).

Journey with me as I discuss the ascension and de-construction of the almighty ego (psychedelics note included).

Should actively try to get rid of the ego?

Is this the best way to spiritual growth?

Turn it up!

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