take down the CCP and all that collaborated with them We Stand with you China and against Dictators

2 years ago

Huge COVID protests erupt in China's Xinjiang

Chinese regime has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Canadian politicians and campaign operatives. At least 11 candidates received money from the Chinese during the 2019 federal election.

Global has reported that these clandestine operations were run out of the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa, and the Chinese Consulate in Toronto. They used various front organizations as well.

This is completely against Canadian law. The Canada Elections Act, for starters, states: “No person who does not reside in Canada shall, during an election period, in any way induce electors to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate.”

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“In any way.” That’s pretty clear. Our election laws are full of prohibitions against what the Chinese did. The Criminal Code of Canada, as well. You can go to a federal prison for many, many years for violating these Canadian laws.


LILLEY: China interfering in Canada's elections and Trudeau won't stop it

GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau said he admired China's dictatorship -- believe him!

EDITORIAL: Trudeau’s China record becomes security concern

CSIS, our intelligence service, has been warning us for years about foreign interference. Last year they even issued a report about it. In it, CSIS said:

“The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) continues to observe steady, and in some cases increasing, foreign interference activity by state actors…These activities can pose serious threats to Canadians both inside and outside Canada, and threaten Canada’s prosperity, strategic interests, social fabric, and national security. Given the nature of today’s geopolitical environment, these activities will almost certainly intensify.”

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But here’s the problem: unlike in the Paul Mandort case, we don’t know who is behind what what CSIS calls serious threats to Canadians and to our national security. We don’t know, still, who got the money from China, an outlaw foreign nation that is a clear and present danger to our democracy.

We know there were 11 of them. We know that they were Liberal and Conservative candidates. We know some were campaign staff.

But we don’t know their names.

Justin Trudeau, who is ostensibly the Prime Minister of this country, knows. But neither he nor his office will say anything about it.


The Conservative Leader, Pierre Poilievre, knows about it. He’s condemned it and demanded a Parliamentary investigation. It’s unclear if he knows the names of the Conservative candidate(s) who received Chinese money to influence them. But, to his credit, he’s demanding an investigation anyway.

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There needs to be one. And we need to know — now, right now — who they are.

That’s how the Americans do it. From the earliest days of their investigation, the American people knew Paul Manafort was the one accused. They didn’t hide it.

In Canada, the names are being hidden from us. They are being protected.

Those Liberal and Conservative candidates are entitled to a presumption of innocence. But they are not entitled to the secrecy they now enjoy.

Is one of them now a cabinet minister? A shadow minister? A senior PMO aide? A prime minister, even?

This scandal — because that is what it is — threatens Canada and Canadian interests. It threatens our actual democracy. It is worse than all of the other scandals — the Aga Khan, SNC-Lavalin,

Xi Jinping now has full CCP power and is implementing Hitler like rules .

CCP and all those who suppory it must be jailed


DICTATOR Tredeau must go he did exactly what Xi Jinping told him to do

This was the CCP instructions

Virus was CCP
Lipid nanoparticles CCP

Lockdowns CCP
destroying Canada while CCP buys all its resources and homes causing skyrocketing prices for years is not ok
Canada sold all its resources to the CCP

This is all CCP planned

all CCP supporters In Canada must go

they must fall

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