The Spiritual WARFARE Happening in TikTok

2 years ago

#tiktok #redpill #christianity #selfimprovement #sneako #twitch

The Spiritual WARFARE going on on TIKTOK

Before we start the video I just wanted to let everyone know that if you're new to this channel my name is David EJETEH and I welcome you to join the self-improvement community through Christianity. My goal is to spread God's message and hopefully help improve the lives of others.

Now we may begin.



Oh you are already triggered well let me finish my strain of thought

By feminizing men better become more lUSTFUL, complacent, less assertive, passive.

AND by masculinizing women women are becoming more outgoing, more of a go-getter, on terms like girl boss are becoming more prevalent.

In fact it's bigger than just these two things, tick tock is also attacking religion. Even though tiktok does somewhat promote religious content.

The vast majority of what is becoming viral has an underlined demonic tone to it.

It states in the Bible That's A man should be … A provider;  1 Timothy 5:8; But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Therefore it is safe to conclude the term "girl boss" does not glorify God. On top of that it's insinuating that women are the primary providers.

Not before you go down to the comment section and write your long paragraph of why I am wrong. How about you just watch the entire video and then go ahead.

 it states  in the Bible that a woman should be… SUBMISSIVE; 1 Timothy 2 11-15. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

And what is TIKTOK DOING… Well watch this video…. "Never submit to a man"

Warranted not everyone believes in the Bible. Or God for that matter, but if you look back at ancient history when men and women had some of these traits. There was less chaos of "using the right pronouns".

The men of today's world  craving for sexual sin, the desire for only fans, and are waiting for our favorite bathroom streamer to come on.

Do you really think this is okay?

let's not even  get into the polarization that tik tok leads to. Just to know this, here's a clip I made yesterday that went somewhat viral on tiktok.

Since when are we allowed to yell at people at the top of our lungs with few points and victimize ourselves in a way that is unjust.

But apparently it's okay.

Now I'm going to get into women. Pause.

Tick tock is making women far more promiscuous. The average woman on tick tock is being taught to become a glorified w****. And if you disagree with me here is a clip just to prove how insane tiktok is.

Now of course the Bible is against this kind of behavior. Not only is it damaging for women to think that they're only value to a man is sex. But it completely destroys the idea of marriage that God created.

 Oh you want proof look at the divorce rates of the average person, now compare it to the divorce rate of a Christian.

Now I can restate my points TikTok is masculinizing women and feminizing men. Maybe initially you took this point as a sexist rant. However I thank you for your Prudence in watching this video.

Tick tock is toxic and you need to realize that more than ever because if you don't the plague of insanity will infect you. And if you just manage to survive it's already got your friends, and we know you are the average of The five people you spend the most time with.

I'm not here to hate on anyone, I'm simply here to spread God's message thanks for watching and stay strong

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