Why are good mentors so expensive?

1 year ago

#InvestorQuestions #benjaminzmiller #invest #mentor

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Good question!

The reason is a truly good mentor that knows how to make money is already busy making money on deals. So, if they stop working on deals to teach you how to make money on deals, they immediately start losing money.

There is a big opportunity cost to a mentor in taking the time to train a new mentee. For that reason the best mentors are often the most expensive. It is not unheard of to find mentors that charge 100,000 to 1,000,000 per year.

If you would like to learn how to become a Benjamin Z Miller mentee to master the skills to make money with business and investing, contact my office at www.benjaminzmiller.com

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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