If I have a property and mortgage and increase the amount of mortgage can I get cash out tax free?

1 year ago

#InvestorQuestions #benjaminzmiller #invest #mentor

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Good question!

Yes, absolutely.

Let’s say that your property is worth 200,000 and you have a 100,000 mortgage debt. Now let’s say you take out a new mortgage for 150,000 and pay off the old mortgage for 100,000. Minus any fees associated with the transaction you will receive 50,000 in cash out. This cash is tax free since you are not selling the house and making a profit.

If you would like to learn more about how to do real estate investing, go to www.benjaminzmiller.com and fill out the contact form. I offer a free guide to real estate investing and also offer mentoring to students. Just contact my office at www.benjaminzmiller.com by filling out the contact form.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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