The Worship of a Pardoned Sinner

1 year ago

By John Bramhall
This deeply interesting narrative is found only in Luke’s Gospel. It reveals the fervent love of a pardoned sinner toward her Saviour. Uninvited, she entered the house of Simon the Pharisee, where Jesus was a guest. Her conduct and the actions that followed were traceable to one great fact. She had been forgiven much, and so she loved much. Her love was the effect of her forgiveness, not the cause. It was the consequence of her forgiveness, not the condition. It was the result of her forgiveness, not the reason. It was the fruit of her forgiveness, not the root. Forgiveness came before she poured her adoration at the Saviour’s feet. She was absolutely heedless of her surroundings and the persons present, for her heart was wholly centered on the One whom she worshipped and adored — Jesus alone!

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