A pair of humpback whales battle a school of killer whales

2 years ago

A pair of humpback whales battle a school of killer whales. | Three Tea Trees

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On September 29, in the Salish Sea off the coast of Washington state, two humpbacks and Bigg killer whales engaged in a three-hour battle. (PWWA) captured footage of humpback and killer whales breaching and splashing water. The captain of the tour firm Sooke Coastal Explorations, Mollie Naccarato, stated, "I'm still trying to figure it out because the scene is so fantastic. "The killer whales initially gave the impression that they were pursuing the humpback whales, but eventually, there seemed to be space between them. Humpback whales pursued the killer whales." Meetings between the two species are becoming more frequent due to initiatives to safeguard humpback whales in the Salish Sea and record-breaking numbers of Bigg killer whales in recent years.

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A pair of humpback whales battle a school of killer whales.

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