2 years ago

❤️When the ocean waves up to the shore everything in the ocean does NOT come with it.
And when you win over 200 election victories from the deep state, everyone who was up for election is NOT going to win.
Then the deepstate they lie about everything. They want you divided, they want you weak, they want you confused. But THEY are NOT in control. Have Faith in your fellow Americans and Patriots. We know 20%- The Patriots in control know 100% of what is really going on. They send us clues and everything is right in front of you. Have faith In God.❤️

❤️❤️❤️Image...we now live in a world where young girls are concerned about what perves sitting in their bathrooms jacking off to their pictures think....Being validated by thousands of strangers is not a great accomplishment. Social Media has reduced the value of a human Being down to nothing more than numbers on a screen of likes, views, and followers..Remove all the buttons, likes, followers, view counts, and humans will no longer be reduced to numbers.❤️❤️

▶♥♥FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME ANYTIME ABOUT ANYTHING ON MY CHANNEL---My email:♥♥ Eleganttoolsbysharonart@gmail.com ♥♥

▶♥♥Everything I create carries a vibrational frequency of love, peace & Prosperity, that is my gift to you!
▶♥♥Thank you for visiting my channel-I Much Love
#diyideas #diy #diycraft

▶♥♥A Flip through of my latest junk journal

▶♥♥My email:Eleganttoolsbysharonart@gmail.com

▶♥♥My website::http://elegantcreation.info/
▶♥♥mY bitchute cHANNEL---https://www.bitchute.com/channel/O3r4...

▶♥♥-My Digitals-https://www.etsy.com/shop/ElegantTools
"Social Media Has reduced the Value of Humans down
to nothing more than likes and views." - Sharon Young Bishop
"People on the internet do NOT care about you.
Only your FAMILY and close friends care about you."
- Sharon Young Bishop

▶♥♥“In the end
these things matter most:
How well did you love?
How fully did you live?
How deeply did you let go?”
― Jack Kornfield, Buddha's Little Instruction Book
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” - C.S. Lewis

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