A Python in the Wild What to Do When You Encounter a Snake mountain

1 year ago

A Python in the Wild: What to Do When You Encounter a Snake mountain | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
It was a beautiful day on the Son Tra peninsula. The sun was shining and the friends were out exploring, looking for a sick or dead monkey to help. Suddenly, they came across a brocade python that was almost 4 meters long and weighed over 30 kilograms. The python was squeezing the life out of a golden monkey. The friends called for help and the Son Tra-Ngu Hanh, Son inter-district ranger department's mobile combat squad, arrived to assist them. The python refused to release its hold on the monkey even after somebody prodded it with a stick and the poor animal died. The functional forces captured the python with their specialized equipment. Everyone was shocked to see such a lengthy python in a residential environment.

It was a warm autumn day on the Son Tra peninsula when a group of friends went out looking for sick or dead monkeys to treat. They didn't have to search long before they came upon a shocking sight: a large golden monkey being squeezed to death by an even larger brocade python!The snake was almost 4 meters long and weighed over 30 kilograms, and it showed no signs of letting go of its prey. The friends called for help from the Son Tra-Ngu Hanh district ranger department, but by the time they arrived, the monkey was already dead. everyone in the area was shocked to see such a huge snake in a residential area. The incident serve asa reminder of just how wild and dangerous nature can be, even in our own backyard.

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A Python in the Wild: What to Do When You Encounter a Snake mountain
#threeteatrees #monkey #python #mountain

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