“YOU WANT TO FIGHT FOR MY FOOD” – People Got Way Too Competitive For Wedding Food!

2 years ago

“YOU WANT TO FIGHT FOR MY FOOD?” – People Got Way Too Competitive For Wedding Food! | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
At weddings in the province of Ha Nam, it is tradition to practice something called "stealing the stew." This involves visitors to the wedding stealing food from a large pot in the middle of the room. The more food that is stolen, the happier the newlyweds will be.On September 27, a video of this tradition in action was posted on Chinese social media, and it quickly went viral. In the video, you can see people of all ages running up to the pot with their containers at the ready. Within seconds, the pot is nearly emptied as everyone scoops up as much stew as they can carry.This tradition is said to date back centuries, and it is still going strong today. If you're ever attending a wedding in Ha Nam province, be sure to take part in this unique custom!

The province of Ha Nam is known for its unique wedding traditions, one of which is the stew pot heist. On the day of the wedding, guests arrive with empty pots, pans, bowls and baskets, ready to steal food from the giant stew pot in the middle of the room. The more food they can steal and sell away, the happier the newlyweds will be.In less than a minute, the entire contents of the pot are gone, much to the delight of the guests. "Everyone was so fantastic," says the individual who uploaded a video of the mayhem on Chinese social media.This tradition is practiced widely in Ha Nam province and is said to bring good luck and happiness to the newlyweds. If you're ever invited to a wedding in this province, be sure to bring your own container – you might just end up with a delicious meal! After watching, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube and subscribe to see the newest video. We truly thank you.

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Crazy Wedding in China: People Fight For Food!
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“YOU WANT TO FIGHT FOR MY FOOD?” – People Got Way Too Competitive For Wedding Food!
#threeteatrees #fighting #food #chinese #wedding

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