Worst vegetable delivery ever

2 years ago

Worst Vegetable Delivery EVER! | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
The girl was confident as she began to sprinkle the vegetables. She had seen her elders do it many times and it seemed easy enough. But soon, the basket was too heavy and the vegetables began to fall out. The onlookers started to laugh, but the girl only felt embarrassed and frustrated. Many people commented that they had no idea how to sprinkle vegetables, even though it seemed like such a simple task.

It's not an easy task, sprinkling vegetables.For many people, it's seen as a simple, easy task. But for others, it's anything but.Many teenage passengers raise a fever from the previous year to demonstrate that they "can do anything, let alone sprinkle veggies."On social media, we still occasionally run with people who practice scurrying but are quite committed but ultimately fall short, making everyone giggle. Recently, a girl proceeded to display her vegetables with a lot of confidence, but possibly because she wasn't very good at it or entirely because the basket was so large and heavy, nearly all of the vegetables fell out. Even if these vegetable cuttings are not strange, the viewers' laughing nonetheless makes them cry. Even still, many people confess in the comments that they have no idea how to sprinkle vegetables.

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Worst Vegetable Delivery EVER!
#threeteatrees #vegetables #daily #task #Tiktok #sprinkling

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