How Lincoln Won the Civil War

2 years ago

Abraham Lincoln was possibly the greatest president in American history. The way he won the Civil War teaches a powerful lesson to all of us. Watch how Lincoln’s belief in God and love of the Bible impacted his leadership during America’s deadliest war.



00:00 How Did Lincoln Win the Civil War?
02:50 The Declaration of Independence
05:30 Prayer of Moses
07:13 God, the Bible and the Gettysburg Address
09:27 Fighting for Freedom
13:51 Bringing God Into the War
19:09 The Sardis Era
21:07 End of the War

Abraham Lincoln devoted his life to establishing true freedom in the United States of America. He understood that God created all men equal. He was willing to die to abolish slavery.

The Civil War might seem like an obvious example of freedom versus slavery, yet so few really know the definition of true freedom. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet No Freedom Without Law to discover that most people’s idea of freedom is actually slavery. This is a bold claim, but you can prove it! While humans consider it freedom to do whatever they want, the end result is usually addiction, suffering, misery and death. Lawlessness is slavery!

Study No Freedom Without Law to really see the rotten fruits of this lawless society. The freedom to dive headfirst into alcoholism, drugs, pornography and other vices has destroyed bodies, minds, marriages and families. Is this true freedom?

Discover the true freedom that God is offering to you: freedom from addiction, freedom from false religion, freedom from deadly human nature, and freedom to live a joyous, abundant life. Learn how God’s laws would solve all world problems, save nations from destruction, uphold justice and peace, and repair broken families. Expose the ongoing war against law in America today, and how this lawless attack is the extreme opposite of God’s righteous nature and character. Understand how God administers His perfect law through His loving government within His Church today, and how all this is a small type of the blessings and happiness we will experience in the wonderful World Tomorrow.
Also request a free copy of our reprint article “Where Abraham Lincoln’s Greatness Came From.” Growing up, Lincoln faced many challenges. But he always prioritized learning. Prove that God intervened in Lincoln’s education. Understand how Lincoln became a Bible expert and lived according to Bible teachings. Learn how the Bible transformed Lincoln’s mind for the better and informed his view of history. Uncover what you can do to follow Lincoln’s marvelous example.

Also request a free transcript of this Key of David television program, “How Lincoln Won the Civil War.” Abraham Lincoln is proof that a strong leader can change the course of history. Where would America be today without him? What would Lincoln have become without the powerful influences of God and the Bible in his life? You must answer these questions to unlock the warning message of Lincoln, which is more relevant today than ever.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request No Freedom Without Law, “Where Lincoln’s Greatness Came From,” and “How Lincoln Won the Civil War.” Order now!

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