Your Money Has NO VALUE, Your Future's Stolen and Luckily, THERE'S A PLAN OUT. THIS IS IT.

1 year ago

Join Kassandra and Mitchell to discuss WHATS BENEATH THE SURFACE of the darkest, deepest secret kept from honest hard-working Americans (global) for decades.

If you do your own research on the QFS, you will soon discover that it has too many connected dots and too much evidence to be nothing.


3:11: Why the current system will collapse
5:25: Walk through of the new financial governance map
7:25: What is Gesara and Nesara?
14:10 : The amount of world wealth that will be backed by XRP and XLM precious metal assets
21:00: The future portal is now open for the earth to see, sense and feel light from dark for the first time in history.


The world as we know it and the world that we’ll be soon experiencing is the largest transference of not only wealth but the exchange of satanic and evil darkness to courageous and righteous LIGHT - in world history.

It requires personal self-discovery, deep healing and trust in self and the light bearers that have created a path - that without it - it would be the end of life - that is even worth living.

Today, my friend Mitchen and I will discuss the PLAN.

The active PLAN to take-back America from dark criminals known as the cabal who have been destroying society, and its spirit for several decades.
I hear you - you may be cynical, and you may be scratching your head in confusion.

But, when you see the events unfold, it is my hope that the trust and safety in your soul will reflect on this loving quantum entanglement of truth that we share today - whether you’ve heard of this intell - or not.

The Big Idea of the QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM is the move from a Fiat, Slave, Debt Economy to a Secure, Gold-Backed, Freedom Economy.

The QFS will be backed by tangible assets (gold, silver, a country's resources, etc.) and decentralized.

"Asset-backed currencies refer to currencies that are established based on assets within the country with resources such as precious metals.

These are quoted to be above quattuordecillion of US dollars (40 zeros).

All 8 billion of the human population will benefit from the new financial system that will be ushered in. .

And the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.

Few realize that there is more than enough gold to make all human currencies in circulation.

No individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop GESARA once it starts.

The volume of GESARA will cancel all debts of credit cards, mortgages and other bank debts due to the illegal and corrupt form of banking and government activity around the world.

The income tax will be abolished as well, as GESARA will make personal taxes monetarily unnecessary.

Field Note with Kassandra

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About Mitchell Nicholas Gerber
An investigative journalist, who has dedicated 22 years to exposing The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong spiritual movement in China.
With a resilient character and a determined mind, he has been working hard on the frontline of a significant cause; which has been coined a “New form of evil.”

Full Walkthrough of the Map Here:

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