Episode 7: Nights of Thunder

1 year ago

The Storm Knights attempt to stop the kidnapping of Damien, the master food eater, at the dastardly hands of Marion Zaphros.

Disclaimer: Due to a technical glitch, the audio from the microphone did not save. As such, this video is without audio, with the exception of the music during the break. Please feel free to watch us be fools without sound. For story purposes, we have attached a synopsis of the episode below. Enjoy

The Storm Knights find their enemy jumping into their vehicle with the kidnapping victim. Luckily a friend of Wyatt's pulls up and offers the Storm Knights a ride. There were many times when the enemy would jet ahead only to be stalled in their progress by Montreal traffic. Similar obstacles plagued the Storm Knights as they tried to overtake the villain. Once, when the two vehicles were neck and neck, Khim jumped from his vehicle to the other, only to catch their foot on the car frame and face planted into the asphalt, as the two vehicles raced onward. After a few terse minutes and some grand figments conjured by the Obfuscated Object of Mystery, the villain crashed onto the pavement near a parking structure. The Storm Knights rushed to the crashed vehicle, but only saw a fleeting shadow dashing into the parking structure. The Storm Knights recover the vehicle, the kidnapping victim and the villain's journal. Both groups of Storm Knights head back to base, the main group in the newly acquired vehicle and Khim on the back of a motorcycle. Once they joined up, the head over to the mess hall, while Zed took a few hours to review the journal. He discovered the name of the villain, Marion Zaphros, a professor of biology at Cairo Community College. It detailed small bits of her life before and after Day One, but most of the pages were filled with descriptions of experiments that she was performing on her victims. She was experimenting splicing different Cosms into a human to see if they could have a dual Cosm. So far she has had nothing but failure but thankfully the Storm Knights have delayed her for the time being. The next morning when Zed turned in his report to the commanding officer he found a message from Marion telling him to take care of her car and that she would see them soon.

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