Building a Bulletproof Wealth Building Process Taught By a Financial Advisor

1 year ago

Free Masterclass On How to Increase Income In Retirement By Up To 30%:

If you want to build wealth

You want to build a financial pyramid

Pyramids are EXTREMELY stable structures

Built with wide, solid foundations

Upon which layers can be added

The best personal financial system is much the same

It must be built in layers

With a solid foundation

Last week I talked about cash flow being the base of your financial pyramid

This weeks all about the midsection of the financial pyramid - the money tree

The money tree is the proactive planning component of your pyramid.

It's where you tell your money where to go

Proactively and intentionally

See, everyone wants to get rich - they want to buy the next bit coin or be in on the ground floor of the next meme stock

But you have to accumulate (save) before you can invest or spend!

If you ignore your money tree, you'll never be able to tell your money where to go

Ergo you'll never accumulate enough to invest/ spend

Ergo you'll never get rich…

00:08 Introduction

01:23 Why Systems Matter

05:02 Recap: The Financial Pyramid

06:58 The Problem: A Money Mess

08:34 Financial Goals

10:04 What is the Money Tree?

15:39 The Importance of Reconciling Your Money Tree

18:12 How to begin

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