My cheating BF of 8 years likes to go through my stuff. Careful what you might find, stud.

2 years ago

My cheating BF of 8 years likes to go through my stuff. Careful what you might find, stud.

My (now ex) BF (we’ll call him Bob) was cheating on me. Bob had a habit of digging through my stuff and reading my private journals, bank statements - just intrusive af. The day I found out he was cheating I took my anger and got creative.

I copied the letterhead from my healthcare provider and forged a letter from my gynecologist informing me I had genital herpes and a handful of other nasty STI’s. I stuck the letter under the mattress (because I knew he snooped around there) and waited.

I’ll never forget the look on his face when he found that letter! The panic on his face when he realized that whatever diseases I had *he had given me*.
Ahh. So sweet. So petty.
Edit: formatting

#reddit #pettyrevenge #tts

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